Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Cook-Out "Cooked Outdoors Style"

For lunch, for dinner, for late night 'I am hammered and I will literally eat anything', Cook-Out is always a good choice. If you live in NC/SC you know what one is, you know how good it is, and you know that you probably will order way more than you wanted to. It's not really fast food, for my CNY/Utica readers it is essentially a Voss' on the go with way more options, and for someone that doesn't get that reference, Cook-Out is a perfect hybrid between fast food and sit out burger restaurant. Boom. The best part? The price, you would pay more for a 'value meal' at a BK or Wendy's and get a flat "burger" with suspect fries for the same price of a HUGE real burger with fresh cut fries AND a shake! (Side note: this review was a long time coming, I have eaten here about a dozen times before I did a review, why? Because I inhaled the food before I could get a crappy cell phone picture of it!)
Bigger picture than normal but this gives you the idea quality/quantity and price!
That's lot of choices! And if you are in a hurry you can order via their TWO drive-thru windows and there is also a walk up window on the other side of the building! Everything is always fresh and hot, I have never ever had a wilted fry or cold hot dog from here. Now, a rookie move is pulling up and not knowing what you want. Why? Because you tend to start 'ordering hungry' which could lead to multiple bags of heart-stopping goodness. And what is a must? Adding on to your burger or hot dog! My favorite? A huge (that's a small patty on a larger patty) burger Cook-Out style with chili, slaw, mustard and onion mmmmm.....
This cost $21.48 (huge cheddar burger, regular Out-West burger, cheddar dog, hushpuppies, chili-cheese fries, chicken strips and a Peanut butter fudge shake)
What did I like? Well, what don't I like? I could list everything I have ever eaten there and then explain each thing but I am not going to do that for obvious reasons.... But, I will tell you what is a must if you are heading out to a Cook-Out for the first time. One, you need a burger from here. It isn't like a Mickey D's burger that looks like a clay disc that was boiled (blah). It is real hand formed ground beef burger, BOOM! Sizes are small, regular, large and, my favorite, HUGE. You get to then add on for .65-.85 cents, cheddar, steak, Cook-Out and Out-West! What goes better with a burger than homemade chili and cheese on some freshly cut fries! Feeling that tingle? That may be the early signs of a heart attack but you have to keep adding on! A hot dog is a must with a .65 cent add on of cheddar, Mexi and Cook-Out. Finally, it wouldn't be a Southern meal with out .99 cents for of a dozen hushpuppies! (They fry these in the same fryer that cooks the onions rings so it has a nice onion-esk taste). If you have a hankering for something sweet then look no further than there 35 choices of homemade shakes from Blueberry Cheesecake all the way to Peanut Butter Fudge. Too thick? A Cheerwine float with a shot of soft-serve vanilla is a more 'healthy' (hahahahaha) choice.
This is a immaculate HUGE cheddar burger (Onions, cheese, mayo and REAL bacon)
What would I change? Now as much as I have praised the daylights out of this place EVERYONE has room for improvement, but nothing drastic here. From order, to paying, to driving away is fine; it's as long as you would expect to wait from a semi-fast food place, think '5 Guys Order Timing.' So, that isn't so much of a problem as it is just an FYI. But, there are a few things on that rather voluminous menu that I would avoid like the plague. This is something that saddened me, their quality of  their onion rings. Booooo! Sadly, the breading was flimsy, which lead to a weird cooking of the onion which leads to sub-par onion rings. All the onion rings do that thing that every ring eater hates... you take a bite and then the whole onion rips out and then you are stuck eating a scorching hot 1,000 degree onion while holding the shell of it's breading... if you don't know what I am talking about then you must have a very active and healthy lifestyle and I applaud you. The only other downside is their chopped BBQ. It... it isn't right to eat 'drive thru BBQ' (can you hear me McDonald's and your gross McRib, nasty.) Their pulled or chopped 'pork' looks like canned pet food or maybe ground meat? Avoid please.
'God Bless America' is on very take out object... (I don't know how I feel about that)
 Recommendation? If you are hungry and want something quick please do not go to BK, Wendy's, McDonald's etc... Look out for Cook-Out! They are scattered all over NC/SC and should be your first option for greasy on-the-go-food. For two dinner is cheaper than any crappy Chili's or Outback and is way better, trust me. I have only broken a $20 once and that's because I was trying to see what it would take (and I was hungry, and yes it was for two people.) Never underestimate that 'Co_ _ _ut' sign (I have never seen a Cook-Out neon sign that has all it's letters.) Now I am going for a 100 mile run to burn off a 1/4th of that HUGE cheddar burger.

A link to all Cook-Out's, it's essentially a locations tab and menu: Cook-Out "Cooked Outdoors Style"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stool Pigeons

Who doesn't like dirty bars? Me. I heard good things about this place so I went in with some-what high hopes... oops. The first thing I should have noticed that there was about 20 people smoking outside in jeans and dirty hoodies, typically a warning there will not be fine dinning ahead. Then the notorious 'please wait to be seated sign' quickly followed by a "hey you, you can sit anywhere" from the downtrodden bar tender. Finally, I got to wait on a waitress that came over after she finished talking to her friends and figured that she may want to wait on a table. Nice. Maybe the food could pick this bar/restaurant out of its very apparent tailspin, maybe...
Do I get a flashlight with my burger?
So, already in a deep whole, I wondered what should I order? I would have asked the waitress but, I think she was more concerned about that gum she was chomping on or that her friends might think she was lame for taking care of the costumer. So, I opted for a order of loaded fries and 3x10 orders of wings in various flavors. Oh, before I forget this place was labeled as a 'sports bar' which would have lead me to believe that they would have important sport games on their up to date 32' tube TVs (har har har)... not so much. Not only couldn't I hear any of the NBA/NCAA games on but I couldn't make out if I was watching Michigan State v. Ohio State or a I-Pad commercial. Now lets talk about the food!
Heart attack heaven... mmmm irregular heart beat
What did I like? This was the first place that I have even eaten load fires and they weren't soggy. The fries were crisp, the cheese was good, the bacon was real and the portions were good for only a couple of bucks. I know this may seem moot that I am hyping loaded fries but it's hard to find a place that doesn't serve up a platter of mushy potatoes with semi-cold cheese and bacon bits or in some cases Beggin' Strips. And then I struggle to find anything else that would lead me to another positive comment about this place...

Wings? Right? I don't know really, you tell me...
What would I change? When I order wings at a restaurant is it too much to ask that the wings aren't as big as Little Caesar instant-wings-too go? This is the first place in a long time that I could not tell the difference between their hot, honey BBQ and teriyaki flavors. How is that possible? It's because they did not take the time to cook, toss and serve wings. Not enough sauce, not crispy, small size AND were not cheep by any means. IT'S A SPORTS BAR [liberal on the word sports.] Then of course the celery and carrots are going to be as flexible and about as edible as Gumby, don't know who Gumby is? That's a shame, Google him. Then, I was like okay wings, epic fail, they have to have good beer and shots specials right? I mean they seem to push the booze here... nope. Not even domestic specials, and shots? Well, if you want anything other than rubbing alcohol with grenadine syrup you will be paying over six to seven dollars a shot. Nice.

Recommendation? Is there really any question to what I am going to say? I always write the review of the restaurant in my head as I eat... I thought I was going to end with: "well if you want to grab a beer and watch some sports etc..." NO. Not even a hint of a HD TV, a game day beer special, or a food item that won't send you to the ICU... Some may say I am being to harsh but I would just like to keep people from being blindsided like I did by rave reviews about this place. If you are heading to the Stool Pigeons make sure you follow this check list: don't shower/shave, dress like you are about to mow your lawn and make sure you talk loud enough for everyone to hear you talk about your 'high profile job' that includes words like 'I', 'am', 'a', 'substitute', 'bus driver'.

If you didn't read anything I just wrote here is their website: Stool Pigeons

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

5 Guys Burgers and Fries

To quote Man vs. Food host Adam Richman, 'oh my goodness, oh my goodness'; this review was a long time coming. I was first blessed with this place when they opened up a few miles down the road from my college in Utica, NY, and there was no looking back. It's a bare bones place and because of their limited menu, they are able to give their products the royal treatment... mmmmm burgers. 

It's NOT fast food!
Every 5 Guys has a unlimited quantity of free peanuts, monster orders of fresh fries and BIG a** burgers! It must be noted that I have never eaten a hot dog there because it's not called 5 Guys Hot Dogs and Fries [just doesn't have the same ring to it.] Another side note is that when ordering a burger or a bacon cheese burger you must say you want a 'small' if you only want a single patty on your buns. Toppings? They have quite a lot and they put them on... no they stack them... no they pile them on for you by the handful. And when this burger creation is done it kind of sings.... metaphorically that is, other wise that would be creepy.

What did I like? Lets start with the fries. They are always cut, blanched and fried fresh for every costumer. They aren't sitting under a hot lamp waiting to be chucked into a cup. A regular order of fries is good enough for even the most robust consumer; while, a large order is good to split. Basically a large is a big cup o' fries and then they dump another serving into your brown bag. Now comes the burger- your topping choices are vast: mayo, pickles, relish, lettuce, tomatoes, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, ketchup, mustard, jalapeno peppers, green peppers, A1 Sauce, BBQ sauce, hot sauce, extra cheese... phew! And then there is the burger. It's a fresh hand patted patty grilled up special for you. Nice char on the outside allows the patty to have some bite to it while the inside is juicy and full of good-old-meaty-flavor BOOM. Finally, the time it takes from ordering to indulging isn't at the machine gun rate of a major MAJOR chain yet not restaurant wait time. Even at 12pm rush time I have never waited more than 5-6 minutes for my burger.

No you don't get a plastic plate with your order...
What would I change? The burgers themselves do not need any modification by any means but there are a few things that I would change. It's the consistency of burger assembly [seems like a reach right?] But, what I mean is that sometimes I would order my favorite and it would be a towering mass of toppings and cheese and sometimes it would be a flat line squish burger. I realize it can't be the same all the time but some consistency? The only other fault I can even muster is the fact that you should NEVER EVER order the Cajun fries. BLAH. I have never ordered them but have sampled others and they taste like chemical cardboard... what? Yeah, chemical cardboard. No need to drench these wonderful fries in anything other than an occasional dip in ketchup. Please avoid!

Recommendation? What do I get everytime? Bacon and cheese burger with ketchup, mustard, relish, grilled onions and lettuce, quite the misha-mosh as my Nana would say. But, no matter what you order you must try a burger and don't go too conservative with your toppings. Also, try to avoid this bad boy at rush lunch/dinner time; yes, I said ordering and receiving was at a good pace... that was NOT factoring waiting in a 20-30 person line FYI. But, they offer ordering by phone and newly added, online. Last side note, it's not chain fast food cheep, example bacon and cheese burger $6.38, but it's worth it!

Five Locations in the Charlotte, NC 28262 area: 5 Guys Burgers and Fries in Charlotte

Monday, October 18, 2010

Boardwalk Billy's

Finally, I didn't want to go running and screaming from my entree! Mostly because this place WASN'T a chain, they had what I call food, and my wallet didn't need a shock from the AED paddles when the check came. (Full disclosure: I have been here before and didn't write a review)

John Boy &  Billy's Grillin' Sauce (Hot & Spicy)

Oh my goodness, what are those pictured above? Only the best chicken wings I have ever eaten. And that white stuff that comes on the side? Boardwalk Billy's homemade blue cheese, and it is unreal. The atmosphere is what you would expect from a bar/restaurant in the University area of Charlotte. But, with a smattering of different college football games on their LED TVs, a tasty Sam Adams Octoberfest in hand and great BBQ one could not ask for more.

These ribs would make any true Southerner blush.
What did I like?   Okay, I grew up in Syracuse, NY, home of the world famous Dinosaur BBQ- Known for BBQ and beer. But, after years of commercializing and downsizing portions they are not even a shadow of what they once where. Billy's was able to re-charge my belief that BBQ restaurants can give big portions at good prices. Our waiter, Brad, was very reliable and was able to build a good rapport with us. The wings were crispy, had a lot of meat on the bone, and the sauce- John Boy & Billy's Grillin' Sauce (Hot & Spicy)- was great. The sauce has a great mix of spice, sweet and a taste of its own. I love ribs. I am picky about how they taste and how they are presented... no worries here. These ribs would make any true Southerner blush. The meat, which there was a lot of, fell right off the bone. The sauce wasn't over powering but a mere perfect glazing on great rib meat. And if it matters, their homemade fries are great!

It's all gone! OH NO!
What would I change? First, I may have to start taking pictures with a real camera and not a low-def cell phone, rookie mistake, you hate to see it. It's going to seem petty but their coleslaw left something to be desired. I know I am from NY where the slaw is mayonnaise bases (blah) and Southern slaw is vinegar based (eh). But, I like to see a good mix between the two, this was more like cabbage in a water bath. And because I am being honest, I know this isn't a true-to-life sports bar BUT their TV placement wasn't the greatest. It could have been from I was sitting, who knows. Lastly, this is carry over from last time. Billy's BBQ pork... not a fan. It did not match up with their A+ ribs/wings/sides. It was odd to see such a drop in quality from A-to-D. Okay, nothing else bad to say!

Recommendation? If you want solid, no, great BBQ at okay prices this is a must. Their ribs are great. Their wings are great. They have a good selection of mixed drinks (for the ladies) at reasonable prices. And a wide selection of tequila! They have great versatility; meaning you can go for a few drinks, watch the game and chomp on a few wings... you can go there and have a huge sit-down meal (with homemade dessert shooters [get the chocolate mousse]) ... or you can have a great 'drinky' night out with friends. Choose your poison, you can't lose! The worst part? When you go: "It's all gone! OH NO!"

Boardwalk Billy's Charlotte site: Boardwalk Billy's at University 

Monday, October 4, 2010

Dave and Busters

These things DO exist! Living in Upstate New York for the majority of  my life I was bombarded with Chick-Fil-A, Sonic, Jack in the Box and Dave and Busters commercials thinking they were only a myth never seeing one, until now! Dave an Busters ahoy!

A circus of sadness
A chain is a chain is a chain is a chain, I have eaten at my fair share of them but they always have their 'famous' dish that allowed them to flourish into a chain IE: Applebees is to Burgers as as Pizzahut is to Pizza. But, I failed to see what allowed D&B to expand on the restaurant side of their food/arcade hybrid. The atmosphere was that of a party that had a billion invites and only 7 RSVPs. This place was MASSIVE and on a Friday at 6pm one would think this place would be poppin' [never going to use as an adjective again I promise.]  Then came the food? Right? No Sam Adams Octoberfest... zero dollars. No Bass... zero dollars. A $4 warm Dos Equis in a dirty bottle... disgusting.

What did I like? Well our waiter was very nice and gave us a free game card with 120 credits on it. I could end there... But, their cheesecake, yes cheesecake, was both massive and tasty. Nice crust, good vanilla flavor and the portion was worth the price which is rare for desserts in restaurants. And being a 9 year-old 22 year-old their arcade game selection was great! You have the option for ticket games [skee ball] and video games [Time Crisis]. A lot of racing games, a lot of shooters and a lot of flashing lights! [Hope you don't have epilepsy.] Another plus is the gaming card. You can load it with 'credits' and swipe it to play the games instead of clunking around with pounds of quarters or tokens in your pockets.

What would I change? I went there for food first, gaming second... as most people do when one is hungry... Cheese sticks are a staple for chains that pride themselves on greasy food. Fail. These inadequate sticks are not recommended. Why do you cut up green onions on cheese sticks? Anyone? I hear that's what they are teaching at the CIA. Double cheese burger, that's simple right? Yum, nope. Those frozen 'meat patties' would have been rejected by the Hamburglar. And the fries? I think they were fried? Burgers are the fail safe anywhere. At a fancy restaurant, at a fast food joint, at home for dinner. But, both the regular and double burgers were sub-sub-par. And what else in a menu option? Steak. Steak at $19.99 and up no matter the cut. Because when I want a juicy NY Steak with a high price tag, I want to eat it while a kid cries in one ear over his spilled soda and another screams over sharing tickets with his younger sister. Now that's classy dinning.

Inadequate Sticks... MMMMM
Recommendation? On the way out I spotted someone with chicken wings and they looked 'ok' so maybe I should have leaned in that direction. Don't order a mixed drink unless you want to take out a second mortgage. And DON'T get a burger. But, if you want to get nachos, watch some football and shoot some zombies this is a good place to go. It was nice to play arcade games and not feel like a sex-offender.  Entrees should be left alone at all costs. Speaking of costs, bring your cash A-Game because this place just loves to tidy up your wallet. This was a upsetting defeat.

Dave and Buster's Main Website: Dave and Buster's main page  

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches

I saw a bunch of these scattered all over Charlotte. And one day I just wanted a quick sandwich to fill me up, should have opted to make my own...

Fake 50's vibe? Couldn't tell you.
Nothing was more fun then walking into a place you have never eaten at and the cashier has the personality of a rock [sorry rocks]. And then fails to tell you that CHEESE is EXTRA on a SUB SANDWICH. Their 'gourmet' sandwich options go up to 18... 18 different subs you have to pay extra for cheese, chips and soda, nice. Two people for two 'cheese' added sandwiches? $18 and change...

What did I like? The chips were pretty good, other than their $1.22 price tag. They were kettle cooked and you have three options in plan [my favorite], BBQ that has a overpowering pepper taste and one other that slips my mind. What else did I like? It's a stretch but the bread was how I like it, fluffy in the middle and a tougher outside.

What would I change? I don't have all the time in the world to write about what I didn't like and you don't have to time to read it so I will be as brief as I can. Price, like I said was killer. While eating, all I could think of was the other places I could have spent 18 dollars and got triple the product. My [and all] the tables were dirty... enough said. The lame metal signs all over the place with dumb cute sayings... I am not at a Applebees thank you very much. Any sandwich you get is LETTUCE EXPLOSION, because there is no better way to pad your sandwich then two to three pieces of meat and a dump truck full of iceberg lettuce.  Most importantly the taste. I couldn't make out how my sandwich tasted because I couldn't get through the lettuce and the pounds of mayonnaise.
Recommendation? If you want a quick 'sub' with lots of white stuff and iceberg go knock yourself out. I just hope your not playing for more than yourself. DON'T get the bacon because I did and I couldn't figure out how it was cooked... [shuttering] if you do crave a sub I can think of a few places that gives a better price and a better overall product, two of which start with a Q and a S. I have to find me a Which Wich. 

Jimmy John's Website [Charlotte]: Jimmy John's at Matthews

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Shane's Rib Shack

So, not exactly 'Down Home' Southern cooking for my first piece on NC restaurants. But, this will have to suffice...

When on the go or looking for some fast BBQ take out, Shane's should be the first thing that comes into mind. In two trips to the Rib Shack I sampled both a sandwich and a platter. First up is a beast of a burger known as the Shaniac Burger that was a limited menu item. Sadly it is now off the menu. 

What did I like? It was filling. It had a good grill taste and the price wasn't knocking me off my feet. Plus, I love the pulled pork and coleslaw combo [NC Style.] The restaurant itself has both a place to eat in and outdoors pending your mood and of course a few HD TVs with ESPN on. Take out or eat in, either way you won't have to wait too long. 

What would I change? All of Shane's sandwiches are good but the sides are extra to add on. And the burger needs some improvement. It was very obvious it wasn't hand made, too perfect of a circle, and the meat wasn't consistent with 'In-House' ground beef. 

Recommendation? Want borderline fast food that won't KO you 10 minutes after eating it? Then head to Shane's. Kid friendly and wallet approved. But, if you're looking for Southern BBQ, head elsewhere. Average price of a meal anywhere between 9-to-12 bucks. 

Shane's Micro site: Mecklenburg Shane's Rib Shack